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Product Information

Grade: OCC

Expected weight: 22 MT

Stored: Outside

Expected Haulage Type: Curtain or container

EWC Code: 19 12 01

Load Frequency:  3 loads a week

Material Background: Recovered from domestic co-mingled kerbside collections taken to the MRF. The first step sees the waste enter a metering bin which ensures a smooth and even flow of material into the system. Its carbide teeth also ‘opens’ up any closed bags. The material from the Metering Bin is conveyed to a Pre-Sort Cabin where quality inspectors remove any oversized general waste materials and recover target materials such as plastic film. From the Pre-Sort Cabin, material flows on to the OCC Screen. Here, rigid cardboard floats over the screen and after final quality checking is conveyed directly to a dedicated storage bunker ready for baling.

Tied: Galvanised ties

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