
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates from Clearpoint Recycling and the Recycling Industry. Learn about recycling initiatives, industry trends, and how we’re making a positive impact with our partners

plastic packaging tax

Plastic Packaging Tax Collections 6% Down Year-On-Year

In the 2023-2024 financial year, £268 million was collected from the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT), down from £285 million in the previous year, 2022-2023. During this period, 42% of the total plastic packaging produced or imported into the UK was subject to the tax. Of the remaining 58%, 11% was either exported, intended for export,...
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sims metals

Further Changes in the Metals Market

Signs of investor interest in the metals recovery sector are seen with the recent acquisition of Sims Metals by Unimetals. Sims has announced that it has entered into a binding agreement to sell its UK Metal business (UKM) to Unimetals Group for £195 million. Completion is still subject to standard conditions, including obtaining regulatory approvals,...
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valpak packflow refresh

Valpak Publish Their 2023 PackFlow Refresh Summary Report

The “PackFlow Refresh 2023: Summary Report” provides an estimate of the amount of packaging placed on the UK market (POM) in 2022 and projects the POM and recycling rates through 2028. The report covers various materials, including paper and card, glass, aluminium, steel, plastic, and wood. It shows that for most materials, the amount of...
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environment agency waste export fraud

Waste Export Crime Linked to Money Laundering

The Environment Agency (EA) has reported a significant increase in money laundering networks exploiting the packaging export recycling note (PERN) system, prompting the agency to quadruple the size of its investigation team. The EA noted that the past three years have seen a rise in the “scale and complexity” of fraud within the sector. Criminals...
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waste export regulations

Waste Export Regulations: A Comprehensive Guide

Waste export regulations can be complex, but exporting waste is a significant part of global trade, especially for industries that produce large amounts of recyclable materials. However, this process is heavily regulated to prevent environmental damage and ensure that hazardous materials are handled responsibly. Key Waste Export Regulations Several international treaties and national laws govern...
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waste classification

Waste Classification: A Guide to Green, Amber, and Red Lists

The classification of waste into Red, Green, and Amber lists is a vital component of managing waste shipments, especially under regulations like the OECD Decision C(2001)107 and the European Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR). These classifications determine the level of control and documentation needed for the transboundary movement of waste, ensuring safe and responsible waste management....
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b3011 recyclable plastics

B3011: The Green Light for Plastic Recycling

What is B3011? B3011 is a specific waste code under the Basel Convention that classifies certain types of plastic waste for recycling. This code allows exporters to ship these plastics without prior approval from the importing country. However, the plastic must meet strict criteria. Key Requirements for B3011 Waste: Purity: The plastic must primarily consist...
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illegal shipment of waste

Manchester Company Hit with £870,000 Fine for Illegal Waste Exports

A Manchester company has been fined over £870,000 for illegal waste exports by illegally exporting non-recyclable waste to Poland. The Environment Agency launched an investigation after discovering the company was falsely claiming the waste was recyclable. This included items like electrical equipment, nappies, and oil canisters, which were shipped to Poland under the guise of...
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