

Complete the form below or call Clearpoint on +44 (0) 1423 855978 if you would be interested and what prices you can offer?

Product Information

Grade: Aluminium

Expected weight: 15t

Stored: outside

Expected Haulage Type: Curtainsider

EWC Code: 19 12 03

Availability: Weekly

Load Frequency: 1 per week

Material Background: Domestic co-mingled – Glass, Fibre, Metal and Plastice, its loaded into a hopper and then passes through a QC Cabin to remove anything that may damage the plant/large OCC, a ballistic separator then removes the glass/fines before spltitting 2d/3d material. The 3D material goes through an optical sorter that targets all plastics, material then passes by an overband magnet and eddy current – the Aluminium is ejected at this stage – it then moves to a manual QC to remove any additional contamination

Contamination level: some visible plastic

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