Mixed Paper.


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Product Information

Grade: Mixed Paper

Expected weight: 24 tonnes

Stored: Inside

Expected Haulage Type: Curtain sider

EWC Code: 19 12 01

Availability: Weekly

Load Frequency: 22 loads per week

Material Background: DMR – fully co-mingled (including Glass). Material is loaded into a hopper where it passes through a manual QC cabin, large pieces of non recyclables are removed at this stage, so they don’t damage the MRF. Material goes through a second QC cabin where large pieces of OCC are positively picked from the line before going into a bunker to be baled. Material runs through a Trommel where the glass and fines fall through onto a separate line into a bunker. Material then passes through an optical sorter where they target fibres which then have a manual QC that they negatively pick to remove contamination before going into a bunker to be baled.

Bale size: Mill sized bales

Tied: Wire tied (5 x galvanised wires per bale)

Contamination % : the material varies but does contain metals and plastics.

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