

Complete the form below or call Clearpoint on +44 (0) 1423 855978 if you would be interested and what prices you can offer?

Product Information

Grade: OCC (post commercial / industrial)

Sourced from:

  • Material sourced from a product returns and discontinued lines (secure destruction)
  • Not used

Expected weight: 24<28mt per load

Stored: Outside

Expected Haulage Type:  Curtain sider

EWC Code: 19 12 01

Load Frequency:  1 load per week

Material Background:  All of the material arrives as outer packaging for goods. The material being sent into the supplier is for secured destruction and therefore the outer packaging is removed and baled on site. Little to no paper contamination and as its not being line picked or segregated from other material streams its very very clean.

Bale size: Mill-size bales
150cm long / 115cm deep (across the wires) / 105cm wide (with the wires)

Tied: Galvanized wires

Moisture level (Fibre Only): Stored inside under temp storage buildings.

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