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Product Information

Grade: OCC

Expected weight: 24t

Stored: Inside

Expected Haulage Type: Curtain o Container

EWC Code: 19 12 01

Availability: Monthly

Load Frequency: approx. 1 per day

Material Background: Material is post domestic – comes in fully co-mingled including glass. Material is loaded into a hopper then passes through a QC cabin that removes large pieces of material that may damage the MRF after this material moves through a second QC cabin where the OCC is positively picked and placed into a bunker until baled. Once baled all material is inspected before loading.

Bale size: OCC Baler:150cm x 100cm x 75cm hight (majority of bales)

General Baler: 110cm x 100cm x 75cm hight

Tied: wire tied

Pallets: no

Contamination level: average 97% OCC 2% Mixed Paper remaining non target.

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